Unforgettable things about my family pets:


A caramel coloured shaggy-cute mongrel with eyes that spoke volumes. Among the very memorable things he did was insisting on sitting in a comfy cane chair that I still see as “Julie chair”. If he felt like sitting on the chair, he would prod its occupant with his paw until the person got off the chair.


My 2-day pet (after which we were forced to send him to Blue Cross). Husky was an abandoned labbie that strayed into my campus. He wanted to be let inside my house, and on the first night he had come, he was sitting right outside a grilled door covered with Netlon. Letting out a series of barks and whines while scratching the net with his paws, he managed to tear out a portion of the net.


My cousin had this lovable Pomeranian. Once Vicky was staying in my house, and on that day I was crying for something. Vicky tried to comfort me by licking my face (I tried to stop her… I don’t like pets to lick my face). But of course the doggy gesture was very touching.

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