Do you think my headline is too harsh? The truth may sometimes seem exaggerated. But how else can I describe sky-high prices for ordinary food?
I went to Ente Keralam, feeling very hungry. I opened the menu to find that everything except the parathas was priced from Rs. 90 upwards. Even the payasam! (That’s my biggest grouse.) We had parathas, which were yummy, and biryani, with avial and kadala (channa) curry. The side dishes were quite forgettable. A mental comparison of it to the avial my granny used to make was enough to create ‘vayirerichal’. My spirits sagged further when I got a spoonful of drumsticks with my first avial helping.
The payasam was a huge disappointment. Not worth even one-fourth the amount spent for it.
Ente Keralam is supposed to have quite a variety of non-vegetarian dishes, and I suppose all they focus well on is that (**######*** grr!!!!). So, we vegetarians should be taken for granted and served substandard stuff? We have an unlimited choice of restaurants anyway.
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